Thursday, November 22, 2012

Reflection 10, Chapter 10

1. "Taking time to reflect helps students feel good about their accomplishments, and reflection can be the thing that makes the learning really stick." This is so true! If we don't look back and see the good and the bad of a project, we can't learn from it and make it better. 2. Reflecting on positive experiences helps students see that these made them confident and made them look forward to more. Reflection is an essential learning tool. Asking students why and what questions about their projects helps them really think about these questions and helps the learning stick better in their minds. Reflections can also help students see what went wrong and how they fixed it. 3. "When families, the community, and students coming up through the grades know what yu are up to, you have a foundation for tradition." Young students will be ready to learn, community members will give enthusiastic support and expect to be involved. Forming traditions are a part of life. We have traditions of thanksgiving dinner, how and when we put up our christmas tree, even taditional presents. I started a tradition of getting my daughter an angel as a present for every christmas. When we start traditions, the students will remember it and others will wait for it as they grow and reach that grade. 4. Celebrating student work is a way to build your schools identity as a place where kids get to learn through projects. Students get a sense of pride when their work is displayed and celebrated. The school I use to work always displayed the students work in the classroom and in the hall ways. The students were thrilled when they could come in and see their work on the walls and they could show their parents or relatives their work during conferences. This also gives the students a way to look back at the project and reflect on how they did it and what they learned while doing it. 5. The most important thing we will include in our project is reflection. We must use this as a learning tool and help the students really learn and help that learning stick in their minds and hearts.


  1. I agree with you on so many aspects of this summary, firstly your emphasis on reflection at the end of the project. Reflection is an important metacognitive tool to use for all students. We've even used this in my biology class during midterms to identify strengths and weakness and things we've learned and what we need to improve for the remainder of the semester. Reflection is such an important key in any project. I also love how yo mentioned the importance of displays which are always so fun for students.

  2. I couldn't agree more on your quote: "students get a sense of pride when their work is displayed and celebrated". Showing the students work to the public and other people is great because they are proud of their work and they know it is their own work. They worked so hard on it that it deserves glory and praise which raises their sense of pride to do even a better job the next time around. I would want my work to be shown too because it makes me feel important.
