Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Reflection 5, Chapter 5

1. Items that should be considered before starting a project are: do you intend to use technology? If so you need to make sure you have computers, projectors, cameras, or anything that the project will require the students to use. Will your students need experts to answer their questions. If so, set up a Q and A session at school and invite anyone that you know that would be able to answer the questions. Like you could invite a cook to speak if you are doing a project about cooking or recipes. If the expert can't come to the school, set up a video chat for the students. You could also have the students write or type out their questions and email or even Facebook the person.If you are working as a collaborative team, make sure everyone is involved with their strengths and weaknesses. 2.The teachers management needs are tools for communicating, tools for making events and changes visible to the students, ways to get resources to the students, systems for managing products from the project, productive learning environment, and assessment tools and strategies. With out any of these, a project can fall apart. The teacher must accommodate for anything that may come up in the classroom. The students needs are somewhat the same: tools that help them manage their time and flow of work, systems that help them manage materials and control work drafts, collaboration tools, tools to help them seek assistance, ways to get feedback, ways to use feedback, and ways to see how parts add up to a whole. If we don't teach them to manage their time and work, they might take to long or not enough time on a project. They need to know that doing only parts of the project is not acceptable and they need to use all the time possible. We always need to show them and teach them that collaboration is a great way to do a project and a great way to get to know others. They will need collaboration skills in the real world. Asking for assistance or help is a must. We have to make sure the students know we will help them or they can find help through others in the building or outside the building. Getting feedback on a project is crucial I think because we need to know what parts need tweeking but also what parts have been do very well. 3.Using a wiki is an application you can use in a project. students create pages of content to share by just using a browser, format text, add web links, or build new pages. Students can work on this together from anywhere. The wiki marks exactly who has done what, which is good for the teacher to make sure that all students are participating. I liked this when we did our map and pen-pals a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know we could do that before this class. A blog is a good technology to use in a project. Again I had never done one of these before and am kind-of liking it. It is great to share ideas, chat or just post project information too. 4. The ideas in this chapter I see use using in our project are the blog. Any information we can get from the internet will be used such as web pages that connect to weather. Janice Alff


  1. In accordance with the chapter, I like how you highlighted the importance of what teachers should consider before starting a project. Just like you noted, project management is important. It maximizes your project's success and ensures the functionality of the project. I never gave much thought to the book's mention of inviting an expert as a resource for students but your response made that much clearer. Especially since I'm doing my project on health and nutrition with students. I know this subject isn't the most exciting for stuents so initially my thought was to bring in a nutritionist but I think bringing in a cook would be even more fun for students! So thanks for that idea, you always have such good insight.

  2. You took the words right out of my mouth talking about collaboration. It is a very important concept because no matter what, people work together all the time and its a sense of pride. You have to get rid of your pride sometimes and ask for assistance if its the best decision for your project or whatever you are doing. Also by working together, more ideas are thrown around and two brains are always better than one! I love working with another partner because i don't feel so alone and there is a weight that is lifted off my shoulder. You can count on another person to get things done!
