Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reflection 10

As a teacher begins to wrap up a project-based activity, it is important to take the time to reflect.  By taking the time to reflect, students will feel a sense of accomplishment about their work and they will be able to commit the learning to memory.  In constructivist theory, reflection is an essential element of the learning process.  It allows students to creat their own meaning.  It will also help students to "reveal things they might not otherwise think about: what they learned (and what they enjoyed about learning), their growth as learners, and what (and how) they want to learn in projects ahead.

Students reflection is a very important part that must not be skipped at the end of a project.  Reflection allows students a chance to reflect on what they learned and how it was meaningful to them.  "If it was an enriching experience that caused students to learn fundamental content, then that is an excellent outcome."  It is also important for the teacher to help students think about the joyous and gratifying parts of their learning.  Help students to elaborate on the project; "What does this get you wondering about next?"  It is important to know where this has led your students, and what the students want to do next.

Traditions of schools are important to their identities.  Some schools identify as being strong sports teams while others take pride in their science programs.  All schools, no matter what they identify with, share a sense of tradition and an expectation of excellence.  By asking the community to be involved, schools may find new traditions and identities.

Help your school to develop a sense of pride... CELEBRATE!!  It doesn't matter if it's a big celebration or a small celebration.  The point is that you take pride in your students and what they are doing.  It is important that each celebration includes an opportunity to look back one more time, acknowledgement of the hard work and commitment, appreciation for those that helped, a display of what the students have learned and created, a look inside the learners with opportunities for them to talk about their process and growth, and an opportunity to showcase your products to colleagues, administrators, parents, and others in your learning community.

It is so important that our students are given a chance to reflect and elaborate at the end of our weather unit.  Students will be given the opportunity to reflect by themselves and as a class, and they will be given a chance to share their wonderful work with other members of our learning community.  By allowing students to celebrate, they will find pride in their work. 

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