Friday, September 28, 2012

reflection 2

Reflection #2 Chapter 2 1. “The learning organization can be any business work team, big or small, that engages in ongoing, collaborative problem solving focused on making the business better. They learn new patters of thinking, they learn how to capitalize on the wisdom of the group, and, most importantly, they continually learn how to learn together.” Pg. 30. This is what we all strive for,to learn how to learn together. I believe that teachers as well as students need to keep learning in order to stay on top of the newest technology and information available. Teachers need to consult with other teachers in order to get necessary feedback on their teaching and their instruction. 2. Benefits of the learning community start at teachers not being so isolated, which is a good thing. Teachers need help too, if they can learn from other teachers they will be more willing to help others in need. Increased commitment to the mission is another benefit. This is beneficial to all how need that extra help from their colleagues. Shared responsibility and more powerful learning are other benefits of the learning community. We all need to help each other with anything that might come up, in or out of a classroom. The last one is a higher likelihood of fundamental, systemic change. Everything is changing all the time, we have to keep up and keep on top of these changes. It is easier to do this as a group where we will have help and encouragement to change. 3. Learning communities affect teachers in that there is a “shift from looking at what you teach to focusing on what your students learn.” Pg. 32. The learning is relevant and rigorous. Teachers as well as students learn the skills necessary for the real world, from communication to problem solving and motivation. By getting other teachers involved we create a critical mass of dedicated teachers who share the common goal. By doing this we can be the driving force that moves a school forward. 4. A learning community has the same effects on students as it does on teachers. There are more student centered ideas, collaboration is a critical measure for the real world, and project management helps the students in many ways. We must do everything we can as teachers, and as parents, to help our students gain the knowledge of and for the real world. 5. Components of a learning community are as follows: have a clear sense of the mission, share a vision of the conditions teachers must create to achieve the mission, work together in collaborative teams to determine the best practice to achieve the mission, organize into groups headed by teacher-leaders, focus on student learning, are goal-and results-oriented, collaborate with each other, hold shared values and beliefs, commit themselves to continuous improvement, and see themselves as life-long learners. 6. I believe our project relates to the concepts in this chapter in that the project is set for collaboration with others, it will be a project that will use technology as well as a hands on activity, and will help the students gain knowledge of the weather.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Reflection #1

Chapter 1

Janice Alff


1.       There are a few things you should keep in mind as you start your journey through Project-Based Learning.  You should be ready to rethink your expectations of the students and their work.  You should be ready to interact more with your students.  You should help your students get better at managing their own progress.  You should be ready to reorganize your room to help with teamwork and collaboration.  The biggest thing, I believe, is to be ready to explain your reasoning for taking the 21st-century project approach.

2.      Some of the benefits of the PBL approach are projects allow for student choice which sets the stage for active learning and teamwork.  Some tools open new windows onto student thinking which can help with more productive conversation.  PBL can have instant global connections if using the internet.  The students get real world activities and practice the strategies of authentic disciplines.

3.      The benefits to students are: they use hands on projects instead of just sitting and listening to lecture.  They use teamwork to do much of the assigned projects.  It enhances their communication skills as well as their inquiry skills.  They learn to be flexible with their working hours like they will in the real world.  They also get a fuller understanding of how the world works, and realize that individuals can do something about changing the world.

4.      The issues that need to be considered are: teachers need to be comfortable in the learner role as we start own journey.  We must be able to adapt to change as the projects and information is always changing.  We need to be able to meet the complex needs of the digital-age learner.

5.      We all need models to help us along.  In my English class we talk about modeling our writing for our students.  If we show them how we do it and how we can make mistakes, they are more apt to understand better and enjoy it more knowing they are not alone in the process.  The same goes for the New Technology High; it was modeled, found to work effectively, and endorsed by the community.  Because of these things, other schools and communities want to implement it as well.

Reflection: Week 1

Project-based learning is a strategy where students collaborate to work on real-world projects.  Students pursue their own ideas using technology and outside resources while the teacher acts as a guide to help students when they need it.  This type of education is much different those used in the past because the teacher in no longer the content expert.  The students must investigate open-ended questions and use their knowledge to provide an authentic answer.  These projects are centered on the curriculum, while also engaging students in real-world activities.

                As you begin project-based learning, it is important for teachers to be prepared.  In this activity, you will be sending students off on their own to find information and work together.  This will cause the teacher to act as an aid instead of the main source of information.  You must have good open-ended questions to push students thinking, know resources that students can use, and be able to gain control if the project gets to be too out of hand.   This means you have to have a good classroom organization and good classroom management.  It is also important to keep an open relationship with the parents, students, and other people involved in the project.

                You may be wondering why to choose project-based learning if it takes so much extra work and change on the teacher’s part.  You must remember that you are doing project-based learning for the benefit of the students.  Project-based learning is a great way to get the students interested in projects and issues throughout the community or world, and it could be a great way to get the community involved in the education at your school.  Project-based learning pushes the educational thought process, and engages the teacher and student in a new way.  It pushes both the teacher and the students to grow in their roles as a learner. 

                The person who will benefit the most from project-based learning is the most important person in the school, the student.  The reason that most people begin teaching is to make an impact in students’ lives.  This is your chance!  Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.  Project-based learning will have such a positive benefit on the students in your class.  Students will develop better communication as they work together and they work with people in the community, students will develop better inquiry skills, students will learn to be flexible with working hours because people are counting on them meeting their deadlines, and students will gain a fuller understanding of the world.   The best benefit will be that students will feel like they are experts in the subject they are studying.

                Some issues you should think about when using project-based learning is the importance of monitoring your students as they work through these projects.  Planning is a very important thing to remember for the teacher when he or she is planning a project.  If the teacher is not organized, the whole project will fall apart.  The teacher also needs to plan open-ended to push the students when they come to a dead-end.

                The New Technology Model took years of research and data to finalize, and I guarantee that it will continue to change during the years as it is implemented into more schools.  New Technology High, a school in California, was founded after business people voiced their concerns about students not being able to meet the workforce needs.  These business leaders pushed the school to use critical thinking, collaboration, and technology as a means to better prepare the students for the workforce and needs of this new technological age. 

                I believe it is important for project-based learning to continue being implemented into school districts because it gives students a new way of learning that will better prepare them for problems they may face in the future.  Simply standing in front of students and feeding them information will never be as effective as students being placed in a real-world setting and having to use critical thinking and collaboration to solve the problems they are given.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

by Janice Alff

topic for project

We have decided to do Weather Monitoring for our project.
Thank you,
Janice  & Heather


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